Friday, April 07, 2006


When I was at CNN, I worked with both Keith Olbermann and, on a different show, with Brian Unger (a former Daily Show correspondent). I'm a fan of both guys, and it turns out that Brian is filling in for Keith Olbermann tonight on his MSNBC show, Countdown. I don't normally tout Keith's show because, frankly, everyone's already talking about it.

But I want to put everyone on notice that Brian is smart, sharp, really funny and, although I have no clue what he's got in mind for tonight, I can certainly vouch that it's worth checking out. Let me know how you think he does.

1 comment:

Jill said...

Alas, I didn't see this until today, so I missed it. But having Brian Unger sub for Olbermann is sheer genius -- and shows that someone at MSNBC does actually "get" who the audience for the show is.

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